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Hindi Font Kruti Dev. Krutidev fonts are most popular font for Hindi typing. Its the most common and it is a standard font for many of the states government in India. Most of the typing test examination in Hindi also take in Kruti dev font.
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Free Fonts » Hindi » Kruti Dev 010
Added Jun 20 20092,337,525 Downloads
- Weight: Regular
- Version: Version 1.0 Fri Apr 04 03:37:16 1997
- No. of Characters:: 198
- Encoding Scheme:
- Is Fixed Pitch: No
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Featuring actors Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kajol and Jaya Bachchan in lead roles, the film, popularly called K3G went on to become a superhit. However, amid all the perfect shots and major family goals that the film gave us, makers couldn’t avoid silly mistakes or rather continuity breaks that still go unnoticed each time you watch the film. Movie kabhi khushi kabhie gham songs download. When filmmaker Karan Johar directed Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham in 2001, it turned out to be one of the biggest multi starrers of its time. As the film completes 16 years of its release today, we go back in time and spot some mistakes that the makers overlooked. Right from the star cast to storyline, location, songs and emotions portrayed in the film, K3G had the right blend of all ingredients that helped strike the right chord with the audience.
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