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Preview — Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez

'Muchos años después, frente al pelotón de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buendía había de recordar aquella tarde remota en que su padre lo llevó a conocer el hielo'. Con estas palabras empieza una novela ya legendaria en los anales de la literatura universal, una de las aventuras literarias más fascinantes de nuestro siglo. Millones de ejemplares de Cien años de Soled..more
Published March 6th 2007 by Alfaguara (first published June 5th 1967)
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MariaJuliaSome commenters believe that only someone who has the Latin American 'experience' would 'get' this novel. I was born in a communist Latin-American…moreSome commenters believe that only someone who has the Latin American 'experience' would 'get' this novel. I was born in a communist Latin-American country and lived there as a young child. I grew up in an American city where over 70% of the population is Latin American. I've read this book (many years ago) in both English and Spanish and it was a chore to finish. Life is too short to waste reading something you don't enjoy. (less)
Mohamed Ajmi Fekih' No ideal in life is worth that much baseness'I loved this statement by the general
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Feb 08, 2008Chris rated it liked it · review of another edition
Revised 28 March 2012
Huh? Oh. Oh, man. Wow.
I just had the
weirdest dream.
There was this little town, right? And everybody had, like, the same two names. And there was this guy who lived under a tree and a lady who ate dirt and some other guy who just made little gold fishes all the time. And sometimes it rained and sometimes it didn’t, and… and there were fire ants everywhere, and some girl got carried off into the sky by her laundry…
Wow. That was messed up.
I need some coffee.

The was roughly ho
Jan 12, 2009Meg rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommended to Meg by: Springville Library Book Club
I guarantee that 95% of you will hate this book, and at least 70% of you will hate it enough to not finish it, but I loved it. Guess I was just in the mood for it. Here's how it breaks down:
AMAZING THINGS: I can literally feel new wrinkles spreading across the surface of my brain when I read this guy. He's so wicked smart that there's no chance he's completely sane. His adjectives and descriptions are 100% PERFECT, and yet entirely nonsensical. After reading three chapters, it starts making sens
Jan 02, 2008Adam rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Academics and their students that are forced to read it.
Shelves: classics
So I know that I'm supposed to like this book because it is a classic and by the same author who wrote Love in the Time of Cholera. Unfortunately, I just think it is unbelievably boring with a jagged plot that seems interminable. Sure, the language is interesting and the first line is the stuff of University English courses. Sometimes I think books get tagged with the 'classic' label because some academics read them and didn't understand and so they hailed these books as genius. These same acade..more
Jun 11, 2008Laura rated it did not like it · review of another edition
More like A Hundred Years of Torture. I read this partly in a misguided attempt to expand my literary horizons and partly because my uncle was a big fan of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Then again, he also used to re-read Ulysses for fun, which just goes to show that you should never take book advice from someone whose IQ is more than 30 points higher than your own.
I have patience for a lot of excesses, like verbiage and chocolate, but not for 5000 pages featuring three generations of people with the
Apr 17, 2014Mohammed Arabey rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
ما الذي كنت تنتظره؟- تنهدت أورسولا، وأضافت :- إن الــزمـــن يـمـضـي

الـزمـن وقسوة مروره، هو بالنسبة لي التيمة الأساسية بهذه الرواية
دورة حياة زوجين واطفالهم، تحولهم لشباب ثم للكبر والعجز. وتوالي الأجيال مع الكثير من الحب والشغف.السحر والعجبوهذا السطر من الأم هو أول ما بث فيّ قشعريرة غير متوقعة بعد ربع الرواية، وأخترته لأبدأ به حكايتي مع تلك المدينة التي ابتدعها جابريل جارسيا ماركيز -رحمه الله- في عزلة من الزمن

أولا: أزاي تستمتع بهذه الرواية

**ابعد تماما عن اي افكار مسبقة عنها، الفصل حو
Feb 06, 2013Huda Yahya rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: gabriel-garcía-márquez, ترجمات-صالح-علماني, novels_novellas, magical-realism

شعـــــورك بالعجـــــز
هذه هي مشكلة الرواية الكبرى
أنت في حال من الافتنان والنشوة لا يوصف
وانعقاد لسانك يسبق أفكارك
ويبقى بداخلك صراع دائم
يتجسد في محاولات مضحكة للتعبير عن هذه المتعة
لذا كنت احاول مراراً خلق التعبيرات المناسبة فأجدها تخرج لسانها في سخرية تاركة إياي في حيرة وقلة حيلة
عندما أمسكت بهذه الرواية لأول مرّة شعرت بانفصال تام عن الواقع من حولي
وجدتني بداخل ماكوندو حيّة أتنفس وأرى الشخصيات من حولي تتصارع مع حيواتها كما أراد لها خالقها العبقري
أنا كنتُ هناك ولا أبالغ بحرف
حلّقتُ بخفة بين موجات الحر
Jun 25, 2014Lisa rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: nobels, 1001-books-to-read-before-you-die, favorites, havanas-en-masse, monster-mash-of-a-mess, so-good-it-hurts, unforgettable
'What is your favourite book, mum?'
How many times have my children asked me that, growing up with a mother who spends most of her time reading - to them, alone, for work, for pleasure - or looking for new books in bookstores wherever we happen to be.
'I can't answer that, there are so many books I love, and in different ways!'
'Just name one that comes to mind!'
And I said, without really knowing why, and without thinking:
'One Hundred Years Of Solitude!'
This novel taught me that
Nov 06, 2009Tasneem rated it it was amazing · review of another edition

أنا أؤمن في الإنسان و في قدراته العقلية و الإبداعية و أن العبقرية ليس لها سقف أو حدود, و لكن .
أستطيع أن أعقد لكم الأيمان على أحد شيئين.
إما أن 'ماركيز' ليس من البشر, بل هو ممسوس . يتلقى المساعدة _في كتاباته_ من ملك الجان شخصيا,, أو ربما كان يتلقاها من الجدات/الجنيات القديمات اللاوتي شهدن خلق الكون و يحفظن عن ظهر قلب ما سيؤول إليه حال الخليقة منذ أن أخرج الله البشر من ظهور آبائهم و أشهدهم على أنفسهم و أطلقهم في الأرض ليستعيدوا ذاكرة فقدوها.
أو أنه إنسـان مثلنا, يملك ما نملك و لا يزيد عنا يدا أو
Oct 04, 2008brian rated it it was ok · review of another edition
i remember the day i stopped watching cartoons: an episode of thundercats in which a few of the cats were trapped in some kind of superbubble thing and it hit me that, being cartoons, the characters could just be erased and re-drawn outside the bubble. or could just fly away. or tunnel their way out. or teleport. or do whatever, really, they wanted.. afterall they were line and color in a world of line and color. now this applies to any work of fiction -- i mean, Cervantes could've just written..more
Apr 18, 2015Lyn rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Mystical and captivating.
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez, first published in 1967 in his native Colombia and then first published in English in 1970, is a unique literary experience, overwhelming in its virtuosity and magnificent in scope.
I recall my review of Tolstoy’s War and Peace, trying to describe a book like it and realizing there are no other books like it; it is practically a genre unto itself. That said, One Hundred Years of Solitude is a masterpi
Nov 14, 2007Brian rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a tremendous piece of literature. It's not an easy read. You're not going to turn its pages like you would the latest John Grisham novel, or The DaVinci Code. You have to read each page, soaking up every word, immersing yourself in the imagery. Mr. Marquez says that he tells the story as his grandmother used to tell stories to him: with a brick face. That's useful to remember while reading, because that is certainly the tone the book tak..more

Mejores Libros En Espanol Para Leer

Jan 07, 2017Brina rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: classics, hispanic-culture, historical-fiction, nobel-prize-winner, magical-realism, family-saga
Magical realism has been one of my favorite genres of reading ever since I discovered Isabel Allende and the Latina amiga writers when I was in high school. Taking events from ordinary life and inserting elements of fantasy, Hispanic written magical realism books are something extraordinary. Many people compare Allende to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who is considered the founder of magical realism. Until now, however, I had not read any of Marquez' full length novels so I had nothing to compare. On..more
Dec 31, 2017Sean Barrs the Bookdragon rated it liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: postcolonial, 3-star-reads, magical-realism
One Hundred Years of Solitude is an absolute ground-breaking book; it is intelligent, creative and full of powerful anecdotal wisdom. It deservedly won the noble prize for literature. But how enjoyable is it? How readable is it?
Gabriel García Márquez, plays around with reality itself; he plays around with the limitations of fiction; he uses elements of magic, of the fantastic, to give voice to things that could never be said quite as effectively in normal terms: he breaks through realism and est
Feb 16, 2008Martine rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Shelves: family-drama, magic-realism, modern-fiction, disappointing, south-american, historical-fiction, did-not-finish
I must have missed something. Either that, or some wicked hypnotist has tricked the world (and quite a few of my friends, it would seem) into believing that One Hundred Years of Solitude is a great novel. How did this happen? One Hundred Years of Solitude is not a great novel. In fact, I'm not even sure it qualifies as a novel at all. Rather it reads like a 450-page outline for a novel which accidentally got published instead of the finished product. Oops.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not disputing th
Jan 28, 2015Henry Avila rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Jose Arcadio Buendia, decides one day in his small, rather impoverished town, set in South America (Colombia, in the early 1800's ), that he wants to leave, say goodbye forever to the relatives, a killing makes him feel uncomfortable there, taking his pregnant wife Ursula, his first cousin, explore the mysterious lands , beyond the unknown horizon, with his followers and friends, over the treacherous mountains, through the dense, noisy, jungles, full of wild animals, and sickness..months pass,..more
Dec 30, 2014Jibran rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
For a long time I could not find words to write anything on One Hundred Years of Solitude, for Marquez mesmerised me into a silence I didn't know how to break. But I have been commenting here and there on Goodreads and now it is good time, finally, to gather my thoughts in one piece. But this somewhat longer review is more a labour of love than a coherent attempt to review his opus.
Marquez resets the history of universe such that the old reality ceases to exist and a new parallel world is born i
Apr 28, 2008Ahmad Sharabiani rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: novel, fiction, classic, literature, 1001-book, spanish, historical, latin-american, 20th-century
399. Cien años de soledad = One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Spanish: Cien años de soledad) is a landmark 1967 novel by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez that tells the multi-generational story of the Buendía family, whose patriarch, José Arcadio Buendía, founds the town of Macondo, a fictitious town in the country of Colombia.
Characters: Úrsula Iguarán, Remedios Moscote, Remedios, la bella, Fernanda del Carpio, Aureliano Buendía, José Arc
Dec 13, 2014Agir(آگِر) rated it it was ok · review of another edition
صد سال تنهايي كتابي است كه در همان روزهاي اول چاپ در دنيا سر و صداي زيادي كرد و خيلي زود نسخه هايش تمام شد و پشت سر هم تجديد چاپ ميشد
حتی چند سال قبل پادشاه اسپانیا، با هزینه خود آن را تجدید چاپ کرد
كتاب به سبك رئاليسم جادويي است كه آدما راحت صدها سال عمر ميكنند و واتفاقات عجيب كم نمي افتد.مردي پشت سرهم شانس مي آورد و دختر اصيل زاده اي كه سخت گيري عجيبي براي زندگي كردن به سبك اشرافي دارد زن يك آدم تقریبا عادي شده است و در زندگی با او رنج می برد
شوهرها خيلي راحت خيانت مي كنند و زنها بخاطر فرزندشان د
Nov 17, 2016V. PARENTAL GUIDANCE: A Court of Wings and Ruin is NEW ADULT/EROTICA but Goodreads editors won't tell you rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Shelves: excruciating, overrated, unsafe-read, unrealistic, slut-shaming, slutshaming, sex-scenes, pleasegrowupman, no-thank-you, mysoginist
I don't recommend this book if you feel uncomfortable with books that depict graphically
* Pedophilia/rape (view spoiler)[ A 9 year old girl forced to marry and later bear a child to a grown man (hide spoiler)]
* Incest/child abuse (view spoiler)[ The Buendia family members are constantly falling in love with close cousins, half brothers, nephews. An older woman Amarantha makes out with her underage nephew (hide spoiler)]
* Non sensical Violence (view spoiler)[ including the crue
May 15, 2016Kevin Ansbro rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: escapism, human-imagery, magical-realism, years-ahead-of-its-time, favourites
I cannot tell you how much I love this book, and how much I adore the writing of Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez.
His style, el realismo mágico (magical realism), elevates frugal prose to another level.
Salman Rushdie was, and still is, heavily influenced by Márquez. He described him as 'The greatest of us all.'
Louis de Bernières was similarly inspired by the great man.
I first read this book more than twenty years ago, and it has remained part of my authorial psyche ever since.
As with Rush
Oct 02, 2010Philip rated it really liked it · review of another edition

I imagine these people looking and saying, 'Yes, but what does it mean?' As literary critics everywhere cringe or roll over in their clichéd graves I approach this text and review the same way. One Hundred Years of Solitude.. beautiful, intriguing.. but what does it mean? And does it have to mean anything?
Oscar Wilde: 'All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril. Those who read the symbol do so at their peril.' And what about those who skip acro
Jul 15, 2012Ahmad Ashkaibi rated it did not like it · review of another edition
قبل أن أقول رأيي في الكتاب.. أقول لمن نصحني به: سامحك الله على هذ النصحية. أضعت مالي ووقتي فيما لا يفيد..
ثم أتعجب من أولئك الذين أعجبهم الكتاب بحيث وضعوا له خمس نجمات.. بل وإن منهم من يقول إن الكتاب غير حياته.. لا أدري هل كان هذا الكتاب الوحيد الذي قرأوه في حياتهم؟ هل غابت عنهم عيون الأدب؟ لا أدري ماذا حل بالذوق الأدبي للقراء العرب..
ومن ثم أقول للمترجم.. هداك الله. ضيعت وقتك وأوقاتنا في غير فائدة. المصيبة أنه يعلق على ترجمته للكتاب فيقول إن هذه الرواية من أجمل ما قرأ!
لا أدري ما هو سر و
Mar 12, 2012Gaurav rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: favorites, magic-realism, postmodernism, gabo-the-beauty
Has it really happened?
Is it really a novel?
It's one of those books which leave you with somewhat these kind of thoughts; it's a book which moves with every word. The novel deals with so many themes that it really hard to associate it with a few.
However, one thing is for sure that the novel leaves you spellbound with an 'almost out of the world experience'; and you want to experience it just one more time every time you experience it !!!
Español - English
Este es mi mas gran libro favorito de todos los tiempos.
Y no es para menos.
Por este libro pasan acontecimientos narrados en otros libros del mismo escritor, como La triste historia de Cándida Eréndida y su abuela desalmada, Isabel viendo llover en Macondo y Los funerales de la Mama grande.
Narra la historia de siete generaciones de la familia Buendía desde sus inicios y fundación en el pueblo Macondo.
José Arcadio Buendía y Ursula Iguarán son dos primos que se casan, pero que tie
Apr 20, 2018Steven Godin rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Many years ago I was told this is one of those books you have to read before you die. I didn't get far on that occasion, but returned recently with steely determination to have a second bite at the cherry (or should that be banana), to see if it really lives up to all the hype. Well, I certainly don't think I would take this as one of my few novels after being dumped on a desert island, nor would I have a special place on my bookshelf, and take it out every now and then to scrape moss from the c..more
May 16, 2018Mutasim Billah rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
'Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.'
And so begins our journey into Macondo, as García Márquez's words walk us through seven generations of the Buendia family, where time has come to a standstill, and the fate of every character seems to be written with an ink of tragedy.
Gabriel García Márquez is a truly gifted storyteller, and his ability to find metaphors, to make fables out o
Jul 17, 2007Kenghis Khan rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
'The book picks up not too far after Genesis left off.' And this fictitious chronicle of the Buendia household in the etherial town of Macondo somewhere in Latin America does just that. Rightly hailed as a masterpiece of the 20th century, Garcia Marquez's 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' will remain on the reading list of every pretentious college kid, every under-employed author, every field-worker in Latin America, and indeed should be 'required reading for the entire human race,' as one review..more
Jun 26, 2018BlackOxford rated it liked it · review of another edition
The Point of Myth?
I suppose if your taste runs to JRR Tolkien and Carlos Castaneda this would be a book for you. But mine doesn’t and this isn’t. I prefer James Joyce and Carl Jung. I understand Marquez’s metaphorical recapitulation of the history of Latin America, his articulation of the repetitiveness of human folly over generations, his recognition of the dangers of human inquiry and technological progress, his appreciation of the dialectical quality of things like ambition, masculine strengt
Mar 11, 2015Fernando rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
”Era como si Dios hubiera puesto a prueba toda capacidad de asombro, y mantuviera a los habitantes de Macondo en un permanente vaivén entre el alborozo y el desencanto, la duda y la revelación, al extremo de que ya nadie podía saber a ciencia cierta dónde estaban los límites de la realidad.”
Esa frase de Gabriel García Márquez, ese gigante literario que nos regaló Colombia, resume perfectamente la perfección que este libro contiene. De eso se trata ese realismo mágico que transforma lo fantástico
May 27, 2018Gaurav rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence.
-Paul Auster

Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water th
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Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez was a Colombian novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist. García Márquez, familiarly known as 'Gabo' in his native country, was considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century. In 1982, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
He studied at the University of Bogotá and later worked as a reporter for the Colombian n

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